How do i find my discord id
How do i find my discord id

how do i find my discord id

Press your profile image present in your message.Find one of your messages on any server you have participated in.Now that you have the developer mode activated, you can copy your own ID and that of other users, or even the ID of messages, channels and servers. Press the button on the right side to activate it. In the new section you will have the option to activate the developer mode.Scroll down the menu until you find “Behaviour” and press it.Open the Discord app and press the profile image which is located in the lower left corner.In order to know what your ID or someone else’s is, you must activate the “developer mode” Discord by following these steps: Therefore, the Discord ID is the best way to identify something on Discordbeing useful for things like Discord bot permissions. These 18-digit codes are linked to the platform’s accounts, messages, channels and servers, thus allowing any of these to be uniformly identified. Secondly, Discord ID is completely unique and cannot be changed in any way. Nevertheless, yes there is the possibility to change the labelbut for this you would have to subscribe to Nitro, the Discord subscription service that offers some advantages. Thus, the labels are random in contrast to the username, which we can change at will. Thanks to the tags is that you can use any username, since there will be the possibility that the same name will be repeated 9999 times. This, in combination with the username, also does a unique identifier which is the one that is usually used to find and add friends, make mentions on a server or simply identify other users.

how do i find my discord id how do i find my discord id how do i find my discord id

The labels are the 4 digits after the # that we see next to usernames. To understand what the ID is, it is important to be able to differentiate it from the user label from Discord, as this is the one you may be most familiar with. So it’s good to know how to find your ID and that of the others in case at any time you need it. For example, if we want to report a user, we will need his ID, the message ID, or even the channel and server IDs. In this sense, sometimes we need this ID for some request on Discord. Some can be visible and representative, as in the case of the Twitter username, which you can even change, or hiddenas is the case with Discord, with its 18 digit code string which differs from your Discord tag. Social networks always have some unique identification (ID) for each user.

How do i find my discord id